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***** Verse by Verse *****
Come join us in this place of praise and worship.. We'd love to have you

The Gospel of Matthew tells the story of Jesus the Messiah whose signal genealogy and miraculous birth are the sign and promise that “God is with us” (1:23). Jesus the Messiah proclaims God’s continuing righteous reign in his words of blessing and deeds of healing. Jesus calls his followers to experience God’s mercy anew, constitutes them as a new community of faith, and then, as crucified and resurrected Messiah, claims all power and authority as he commissions these disciples for mission with the promise that he will be with them until the end of the age (28:18-20). Join us, as Pastor Ted Dudak takes us through this book and the amazing, perfect life of our Lord Jesus Christ.
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." Matthew 5:16
Come join us as Pastor Ted Dudak exegetes the Gospel of Matthew!
Of course - "Verse by Verse."
09:00 AM Prayer Warriors – for many needs.
10:00 AM Fellowship
10:25 AM Nursery
10:25 AM Worship – Worship and Message
06:30 PM Wednesday Mid-Week Bible Study