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Our Missions Team

Greg and Laura Yoder

Greg & Laura Yoder, Missionaries forCWO

Greg and Laura were married in 1982 and served together with CWO. Greg served as CWO Administrator from 1983 until 1988 and Laura assisted with the beginning of the Feminine Training Center.


From 1989 to 2002 Greg worked for various telephone companies, starting as a customer service representative and then as manager of customer service and order entry. Then from 2003 to 2005 Greg was self-employed, providing handyman services and working in construction. During this time Laura was a stay-at-home mom with their children.


In 2005 Greg and Laura moved to Colorado. Greg began working full-time at the CWO headquarters as Vice President assisting in fundraising and working with mission teams. Greg became CWO President in 2014 after his father, Dean Yoder, passed away.


Greg currently serves as chair of the elder board that oversees Creekside Bible Church and Central Bible Church, a new church plant, where he and Laura attend and serve.


Greg and his wife Laura have four children, two daughters-in-law, two sons-in-law and six grandchildren.


With a strong faith, Greg states, “Missions begins at home and goes out from there. As Christians our mission is to share Christ wherever we are. For some it will be to minister to those net door, for others it means to go serve in other countries, and for others it will be anywhere in between. Missions is also about serving together as a body with each doing their own part whether it be praying, encouraging, telling, financially supporting, or going.”

Megan, (Pasquariello) Griffin

Megan Griffen, Missionary for CWO

Meghan Pasquariello grew up in western Pennsylvania. She felt the call to ministry as a child. She attended Toccoa Falls College in Toccoa Georgia where she majored in Cross-Cultural Studies. Meghan lived and worked in Staten Island, NY serving in youth ministry, children and community outreach and evangelism, and teaching English to immigrants. After NYC, Meghan served with the Christian and Missionary Alliance in North Africa using English classes to build relationships and share the gospel. Since being back in America Meghan has worked for The Navigators.

Andrew, Megan, and Grace Ann

Andrew Griffin was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina where he lived until he was seven as a missionary kid. His family moved from Argentina to Toccoa, GA where he grew up and went to college. He has a rich family heritage of people serving the Lord in ministry in the US and overseas, so it was no surprise to his family when he felt called into ministry. He attended Toccoa Falls College and graduated with a degree in Cross-Cultural Studies.


Andrew Griffin with friends in Argentina
Megan, Andrew and Baby Grace

After graduating college, he attended seminary at Columbia International University in Columbia SC. After seminary Andrew worked at the national office of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Colorado Springs where his primary role was to engage with donors and churches to support and partner in the work of missionaries.

Andrew and Meghan met in college and were casual friends who went their separate ways. Their paths crossed a few times over the last 10 years, and they were married in October of 2020. In August, of last year Andrew and Meghan joined Cody Missionary Alliance church in Cody, WY where Andrew serves as the associate pastor doing youth ministry, men's ministry, and is part of the preaching team.


Andrew and Meghan enjoy anything outdoors; fishing, biking, hiking, and exploring the greater Yellowstone area. But what they enjoy most is spending time with their newborn daughter Grace Ann.

Joel St. Amour - National Director, Haiti

As National Director for CWO in Haiti, Joel St. Amour administers all Christian World Outreach (CWO) operations in Haiti and oversees all ministries and programs in Haiti.  Pastor Joel gives oversight to the outreach Great Discovery Camps, the Leadership Development Conference, the ministries of the eight CWO churches, the children’s feeding program and the health and nutrition center. His passion is to teach the Word of God to those in his church, within the communities that surround the CWO programs and churches, and to be an example of Jesus to those in Haiti who have not yet been introduced to the Word of God.

Pastor Joel St Amor

Marie St. Amour - FTC Director, Haiti

Marie St Amor

Marie has been CWO’s Director of the Feminine Training Centers for both the Port-au-Prince, Mirebalais and LaJeune Centers since each began. Marie grew up in Mirebalais and has a passion to give women an opportunity to have an education and a future. Marie was born and raised in Mirebalais and went to school in France and in Haiti. Due to her heart transplant in 2016, Marie lives in the US and continues to direct the program and participate in daily operations. Marie travels to Haiti whenever possible to participate during exams and for graduations.

Alassane and Dina Compoare - Missionaries/Administrators – Burkina Faso


Alassane and Dina are from Burkina Faso, West Africa. They have been a part of the Christian World Outreach (CWO) operations in Burkina since 2005. As Christians, Alassane and Dina work to help the girls from nearby villages and from desperate families by giving them life skills as well as a knowledge of Christ’s love for them. They desire to make a difference for Christ in their villages.


Alassane and Dina have five children and live in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Alassane oversees operations in Burkina Faso and is the administrator for the Village of Opportunity (VOO) School and the mobile medical clinic. Alassane attended law school from 2000-2003 at a university in Burkina Faso. He also took English and management and administration courses at InfoWorld Commerce School in Ghana where he received a certificate. He also graduated from a human resources program in 2007. His theology training took place at the OLHIAB Institute 2007-2010. OLHIAB is a Biblical Institute in Burkina Faso. From 2013 -2016 he attended a theological faculty program sponsored by Assemblies of God. Alassane is also working on a master program in theology at the Assemblies of God theological institute in Burkina Faso.

Alassane and Dina Compoare Missionaries

Dina is the lead instructor and works with the teachers and students at the VOO. Dina went to school in Senega at the Sacré Coeur school for secondary education in 2002 after she graduated from high school. She also studied sewing at Cours Morel Ibn Gosen school where she received a certificate in 2005. Dina also completed theology program training from 2010-2013 at OLHIAB. Dina completed several other training courses in sewing and cooking as well as some courses in understanding and caring for those with trauma. Her trauma training has been very helpful as she works with so many young women who have been through a lot of trauma.

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