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Writer's pictureRob Moritz

Mission Trip To Haiti – Life Changing

Updated: May 13, 2023

Robert Moritz preaching the Word of God
Robert Moritz

It was the first week of June 2019 and was a hot sunny day in Florida when we left. Little did we know how much joy, laughter and song we would share as well as how many tears we would shed when we left the wonderful loving people of Haiti. It was quite a mixture of emotion but without a doubt, I think I can confidently say that this trip to Haiti greatly impacted all of our lives.

The first Sunday we worshiped with the Haitian people in their church and it was magical. They are so full of the joy of the spirit, it just filled my heart with joy too and made me want to worship with them all the more. We were with them singing, praying and listening to preaching for over 3 hours. And they just wanted to keep going.

One thing I learned about Haiti is that it really is a beautiful and majestic country. Yes it's infrastructure is still a mess due to the huge earthquake they had in 2010 with no money to fix anything. But the surrounding mountains and green hills were just magnificent.

But of all that we saw in Haiti it was the people I will remember most. They are so warm and loving and caring. The couldn't stop from thanking us for coming to their country and teaching them and blessing them. We told them, “No you are the ones who have all been a blessing to us.” What a great time we had of teaching them, worshiping with them and praying with them. They may not be rich financially but they are very rich in Christ.

Sadly we also learned about the dark side of Haiti. There are many Voodoo witch doctors and Satanists there and as a result many of the people are demon possessed. Yes, it really exists and is very powerful and incredibly we unexpectedly faced it head on, our last day there. I just praise God that He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. I won't write about this here but if you want to know more you can contact me at Lighthouse or on Facebook.

But in the end we had an amazing God glorifying week. 13 women gave their hearts to the Lord. The people of the church told us they've only had 4 salvation's in 6 months, and thanks be to God we were able to lead 13 people to Christ in one week. Not including the many others who asked for prayer for unsaid needs and all the seeds that were planted. All glory is to God for shedding His light on dark hearts. Especially those last 3 ladies that came out of a very dark and demonic existence and professed Christ.

Jesus said in John 8:12, ...“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Surely there is a great light shining over Haiti and it's getting brighter everyday. All I can do is stand in awe of God and thank Him for allowing me to be just a small part of the great work He's doing with and for the Haitian people.

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