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Writer's pictureJohn Le Tellier

Tracy Golden Shared Her Testimony on Her Trip to Haiti

Updated: May 11, 2023

Tracy Golden Shares her testimony
Tracy Golden

My Haiti trip started before I went to Haiti. Then finding this desire was going to be fact made me feel like a child at Christmas. Little did I know the impact Haiti would have on my life. I saw God at work and how he changed lives. I also witnessed God’s power. The devil had been trying all week to interrupt. All God had to do was show up and the devil had to leave. What a humbling experience that was for me.

Also, I felt the excitement God feels when someone comes home. Haiti forever changed me I know who I am in Christ and without a doubt God never leaves. His love and grace cannot compare to anything this world tries to offer. There is a passion for my Lord and a desire to do what He wants. Yes, my life has been changed forever. Haiti was just stepping off point my trip did not end there it continues today.

I am helping a home bound man get to the grocery store each week. And have become his social connection to the outside world. He sees Gods love shining through me every time I sit with him and he tell me about his WW2 stories. He was a pilot who flew 33 missions. Every time he took off there was a 30 percent chance he would not come back. He was shot down twice but never captured.

Also, I have been getting food to help feed a Haitian family. Unless you have been in the situation where you don’t know where you next meal is coming from or if you can feed you children you will not understand what an amazing ministry this is. When you are able to help someone feed their children it softens the hardest heart. I am going to show God’s love and grace through my life every day.

I am going to leave you with a challenge and a question?

 Change someone’s life today.

 If God were standing in front of you would He see you sitting on the fence or are you setting that fence on fire?

Tracy Golden

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