It's been 15 years since I was in Haiti. This trip came with a lot of excitement for me. I spent the last 5 months preparing the team to go. So, when we landed in Haiti, I was thrilled to once again be in a country and with the Haitian people who I have loved for over 40 years.
In some ways, Haiti hasn't changed at all. Still the poverty, the broken infrastructure, the dogs barking at night, roosters crowing in the early morning hours, the steaming heat, the beautiful smiles of the Haitian people, the majesty of the mountains, the oppression from voodoo, the freedom through Christ, the sweet fellowship with the Church.
Our Lighthouse Bible Church Team was joined with John and Casey and my dear friend, Greg Yoder. What a blessing it was to minister in Haiti with Greg again and our team was amazing! I believe God specifically chose each of the individuals on the team.
Our week was filled with teaching at the local church, praying together, holding a VBS, helping with the feeding program and teaching, sharing and doing crafts with the 180 students at the feminine training center.
God moved in a mighty way. 13 women accepted Christ and three of those women were set free from Satan’s hold on them. Many seeds were planted to the Glory of God.
What next? I have a feeling my trips to Haiti will be much more frequent, my prayers for Haiti will be more fervent and my commitment to help with the ministry of Christian World Outreach is so much stronger.
I am very thankful for the opportunity and privilege to be able to minister in Haiti and excited to see how God leads.
Karen Pasquariello – June 11, 2019