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World Christian Outreach
Have you ever had malaria or dengue fever? What about a parasite that causes you

extreme stomach problems and dehydration? (I had all three!) You probably didn’t have anything like these problems, but they were dealing with some medical issues that caused you to set up a doctor appointment. After the appointment your doctor can then go to a pharmacy and fill the prescription recommended by the doctor. Then some or all of the cost covered by our health insurance is available to us.
Imagine if you lived where there was no hospital, clinic or even a medical person near where you live. If you need medical care you would need to travel a long distance to get it. What if there was no pharmacy to go to where you could buy any medicine you needed? If you wanted to see a doctor, you couldn’t afford to go because you live on an annual income of under $ 1,000 to $ 1,400 (World Bank estimates for Burkina Faso, Haiti and Zimbabwe). You would not be able to pay to see a doctor leave alone to buy medical insurance that is not even available.
That is why at Christion World Outreach seek to help with the medical and health care needs of people in Burkina Faso, Haiti and Zimbabwe. Meeting this need gives us the opportunity to meet a physical need as we open the door to sharing the gospel.
"When Jesus landed and saw the crowds, He had mercy on them and healed the sick." Matthew 14:14
Mobile clinics in Burkina could go where no medical care is available for them. The Mobile Clinic team includes medical people as well as an evangelism team. While people are waiting to see the medical staff, the evangelism team can share the Gospel and pray with the people. Small medical issues take care of the clinic day. Often serious medical problems are addressed by transporting someone to where they can get the care they need as well as pay for the costs incurred. It was a great privilege to be a part of some of the mobile clinic visits made in some villages. I am not a medical person, but I was able to help those who were and were asked to pray for those in need.
LaJeune, Haiti is home to the CWO Health and Nutrition Center. The primary purpose of this center is to provide prenatal and postnatal care. Emase is the nurse / midwife who works with the women and has been able to deliver many babies in this area. He even rescued a Haitian pastor I met when we lived in Grand Rapids, MI. Emase has a heart for helping people with medical needs and has been able to make a difference in the lives of many people over the years.
The vulnerable children we work with in our Children's Programs are in great need. Life’s difficult journeys often begin with losing one or both parents. Because of our connection to these children through their caregivers and volunteers in the area where they live, we are able to learn from any medical needs they may have. Sponsoring these children helps pay for medical needs such as providing medication for HIV / AIDS, surgery, glasses, etc. Sometimes along with the medical need comes a need for advice that our staff could provide. One such example is talent that had to cut its legs.
Our hope is that helping people with physical healing will continue to give us the opportunity to share the gospel. Having compassion for those in need causes them to question why we would help with their needs. We can explain that because God loved us first, we love them just as Jesus did.

Praise the Lord for:
The CWO medical staff who care for the medical needs of those we minister to.
Providing a great evangelistic team in Burkina Faso who travel with the Mobile Clinic.
Emase who has served faithfully for many years in Haiti.
Pray for:
That those who hear the Gospel would receive Christ as their Savior.
The staff in all the countries as they continue to navigate the restrictions caused by COVID.
The CWO medical staff as they treat people.
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Christian World Outreach